
Kim Pil-ho, the president,The Government should pay special attention to Quick-service market

NSP통신, 권혜경 기자, 2012-08-20 13:50 KRD6
#김필호 #퀵서비스 #이장섭 #퀵서비스협회 #택배
NSP통신-Kim Pil-ho, the president of Quick Service Association(right) and Lee Jang-seop, the vice president(left) claim Governme
Kim Pil-ho, the president of Quick Service Association(right) and Lee Jang-seop, the vice president(left) claim Governme

[북경=NSP통신] 권혜경 기자 = Kim Pil-ho, the president of The Whole Quick Service Transportation Business Association ( below Quick Service Association ) said domestic Quick-service market size is about 4 trillion won. This is bigger than domestic Courier market size-3.5 trillion won in 2011.

He mentioned"The Government should pay special attention to Quick-service market growing to 4 trillion won."

So this is the second time that NSP is focusing on domestic Quick-service market, listening about why the Government should pay special attention to Quick-service market through the interview with Kim Pil-ho, the president of Quick Service Association and Lee Jang-seop, the vice president.


◆ why the Government should pay special attention to Quick-service industry

Kim Pil-ho, the president : Now, Anybody who makes a declaration at the tax office can open the Quick-service business without any regulation. This helped the growth of Quick-service market size to 4 trillion won but causes serious problems that companies are scrambling.

One of the biggest problem is price-marketing policy by businessmen got into the business late. This menaces the continuance of the Quick-service industry.

Therefore, the Government should pay special attention to fully-grown Quick-service market and cool down overheated market by establishing regulations in order that this industry improves its serve for citizen.

Lee Jang-seop, the vice president: Unless the Government establishes regulations, the present market system has no choice but to be overheated.

As long as Quick-service industry is freely-registered business that anyone opens without any entry barrier for new companies, the number of companies will increase and price competition will be intensified.

With the sense of immediate crisis that the present Quick-service industry will collapse together without intervention of the Government, 1000 Quick-service companies gathered to establish the Whole Quick Service Transportation Business Association this year. So the Government should give added impetus to this self-purification effort by Quick-service industry.

◆ how much the Government has interest in Quick-service industry

Kim Pil-ho, the president : Sadly, there is no ministry showing interest in Quick-service industry. Just Quick Service Association is making efforts to promoting registration of being a corporation.

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs is showing passive response until now, seemingly due to the standpoint of existing cargo workers unions of Quick-service industry.

Lee Jang-seop, the vice president: It is understandable for the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs to show passive response because of little information on Quick-service industry.

However, the Ministry has been informed through some meetings with Quick Service Association and is showing interest.

So it is expected that Quick Service Association will be registered as a corporation of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs soon and this is considered by the Ministry.

◆ The activities that Quick Service Association is focusing on

Kim Pil-ho, the president : Quick Service Association is making efforts to promoting registration of being a corporation. In addition, we are conducting survey no thoroughfare for a two-wheeler by Seoul city and the Seoul Metropolitan Agency.

Quick-service delivery is almost done by two-wheeler, but the Seoul Metropolitan Agency is enforcing crackdown on going through many roads which is not dangerous but just because of elevated motorways.

So through the survey the amount of two-wheeler, we will suggest improvement of unreasonableness and demand a permission of two-wheeler's going through some elevated motorways from the Seoul Metropolitan Agency.


Lee Jang-seop, the vice president: Since Quick Service Association was established on 15th January, we had many activities.

The most important thing is conducting the first total inspection of domestic Quick-service companies. Though it was done by checking the internet and KT telephone book, it is a great achievement to identify 11,600 companies.

In addition, Quick Service Association is busy doing other publicizing works, for example, submitting reviews on workers' compensation of the Employment and Labor Ministry and responding to research on the actual condition of two-wheeler of the Small and Medium Business Administration. NSP NEWS AGENCY-NSP통신

권혜경 NSP통신 기자, watch12@nspna.com
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