

UN memorial park keeps a memory of the painful history of the division

NSP통신, 도남선 기자, 2014-05-30 18:19 KRD1
#UN #memorial #park #division #NSPTV
[NSPTV] UN memorial park keeps a memory of the painful history of the division

(부산=NSP통신 도남선 기자) = (NSP Global Little News Chung Dong Il) = During Korean War a number of UN soldiers sacrificed themselves to keep the piece of Korean peninsula which is not familiar for them.

UN memorial park, where these soldiers are enshrined, keeps a memory of the painful history of the division.
Today I will introduce to you the UN memorial park where we can look back the war pain of all the people and pay homage to the great soul of the UN soldiers

The UN memorial park located at Daeyeon dong Namgu Busan was constructed in 1964 and designated as a cultural asset in 2007/ 10/ 24.


It is the only memorial park of the world which is built to enshrine the body of the UN soldiers who died during the Korean War.

The park is the symbol of the international cooperation for world peace, and an example as its all facilities were built by donations and efforts of various countries. Every single column of the entrance pays homage to the souls, and each window in the memorial hall having geometrical triangle shape represents peace, love, and the tragedy of the war.
The two buildings was constructed with sincere hope that the tragedy war would not happen again.

Sacrifice and the pain during the war were so enormous to be forgotten.
The monument contains the hope every country to prevent war from being repeated by appreciating the sacrifice and descendants’ willingness not to forget the tragedy of war.

where people who sacrificed themselves to keep peace and people who have the privilege of the peace coexist, At the UN memorial park NSP Global Little News Chung Dong Il.

aegookja@nspna.com, 도남선 기자(NSP통신)
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