

Scenes from history enacted by 'Jinju castle'(7)

NSP통신, 도남선 기자, 2013-11-04 12:02 KRD1
#Jinju #Namgang #yudeungfestival #Jinjucastle #koreafestival
[NSPTV] Scenes from history enacted by 'Jinju castle'(7)

[경남=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = The fall event of the year, Namgang Yudeung Festival, is reaching its peak.

Today, we'll focus on the underlying potential of Koreans and the historical Battle of Jinju and the Imjin War that lies behind the festival.

The other name of Jinju Fortress is the"Chokseong"Fortress. It was a strategical holding point at the time of Joseon Dynasty. It was the sole gateway to the province of Jeolla during the time. If Jinju Fortress were lost, it would have been impossible to defend the Honam region logistically. Therefore, seven different gruesome battles were written in history.


In the end, the brave soldiers and civilians of Jinju Fortress sacrificed their lives to hold the fort strong.

NSP통신-Crowded by visitors to the festival. (by Jinju City)
Crowded by visitors to the festival. (by Jinju City)

The sight of the battles is still visible through the yudeung near the riverside of the 1st bridge by the Jinju Fortress. The historical battleground of Jinju Fortress is still part of the festival.

The yudeung displays of 500 years of ancestral customs, Jinju Fortress guards, the trainings of soldiers and more have expanded from 700 to a thousand this year. The pictures of archers and men with spears have never been so alive in front of our eyes.

In Joseon Dynasty, Jinju prospered with wide boundaries of Seomjin river to the west and Jirisan to the north. It was also a turning battle point during the Imjin War. With the 2013 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Fesival, each wick carries the hope of every one of its citizens at heart.

From NSP News, Donovan Yoon.

한국대표축제, 진주남강유등축제, Korea festival, Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival, 진주성

도남선 NSP통신 기자, aegookja@nspna.com
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