
Representative Festival of South Korea

Musical ‘Yudeung’(13) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

NSP통신, 김연화 기자, 2012-10-14 13:32 KRD1
#Jinju Namgang #Yudeung #Representative #Musical #Jinju Castle
[Representative Festival of South Korea] Musical ‘Yudeung’(13) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = During the War in JinJu, soldiers at JinJu Castle floated Yudeung to keep in touch with their families back in their hometown.

This touching story of soldiers at JinJu Castle was brought back into the spotlight at ‘NamGang Yudeung Festival 2012’ and has been attracting spectators from all around the country.

Today, we made a quick visit to the musical, “Yudeung” hosted by city of JinJu specially for ‘NamGang Yudeung Festival 2012’

NSP통신-Many People are taking pictures in the turnal of lanterns for wishes. (Jinju City)
Many People are taking pictures in the turnal of lanterns for wishes. (Jinju City)

The musical ‘Yudeung’ talks about the war in JinJu during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. The audience left theater with Yudeung full of love and history lit in their heart.


NamGang Yudeung Festival 2012, hosted by city of JinJu, was also selected as ‘one of the best 5 Festivals in October’ by Korea National Tourism Organization's “dung du kung dung du kung Festival”

Also the performance on the touching story of Yudeung adds a sentimental taste to the Festival which makes it even more worth a trip to JinJu this October.

NSP통신-2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival in daytime. (Jinju City)
2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival in daytime. (Jinju City)

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>