(Seoul=NSP NEWS) = LG Electronics will accelerate its penetration to the global built-in home appliance market with its new brand name 'SKS' transformed from 'SIGNATURE KITCHEN SUITE'.
From 25th to 27th, the company will show off its SKS lineup at The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show(KBIS) that will be held in Las Vegas.
For the first time, it will unveil its concept product in the form of an island system (furniture consisting of drawers or storage shelves) with hidden induction and an integrated hood.
LG electronics will also show off a 36-inch 'Cook Zone Free Induction Prorange'. This is equipped with 'All-free induction' that automatically recognizes the fireball according to the size and position of the container wherever it is placed.
Under the product, oven is installed allowing to cook various dishes at the same time. It is the first time Prorange is equipped with All-free induction.
Gourmet AI applied in the product analyzes food ingredients with the camera inside the oven and recommends tailored recipe. Customers are able to watch the cooking process inside the oven with an app named LG ThinQ and save it as video or photos.
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