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President-elect Park Geun-hye Transition Team, New Government Structure Announced

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By 보티민트 인턴기자, 2013-01-18 11:03 END7
#Reoganization #New Government #Structure #South Korea #Park Geun-hye

인수위 정부조직개편안 17부 3처 17청 명칭•통합기능 등 최종종합

[부산=NSP통신] 보티민트 인턴기자 = On Jan. 15, the 18th President’s Transition Committee Chairman Kim Yong-joon announced 17 full and three lower-level ministry and 17- agency structure for the final government reorganization plan at a press conference at the committee’s headquarters in Seoul’s Samcheong neighborhood.

According to the announcement, on the 25th of next month, the new government structure will change from the current 15 full and two lower-level ministries and 18 agencies to one of 17 full and three-lower ministries and 17 agencies.

With the President-elect Park Geun-hye ‘s new government structure, there will be a Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Future Creativity and Science, Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Unification, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and Ministry of Land and Transportation.


First, the Ministry of Future Creativity and Science is a newly-organized body. This Ministry will perform information and communication technologies (ICT) policy functions. According to that, a vice minister for the future will be put in charge of ICT.

Among the control and promotion functions of Communications Commission, promotion functions will be transferred to ICT of the Ministry of Future Creativity and Science. Therefore, the basic control function will be maintained.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has changed its name to the Ministry of Education.

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has been reinstated for 5 years. The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs was reorganized to the Ministry of Land and Transportation. The location to set up the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has not been confirmed yet but it seems that the likelihood of it being set up in Busan City is higher than in Sejong City.

The Agriculture and Fisheries Affairs Ministry was changed to the Agriculture and Livestock Affairs Ministry.

The post of Economic Prime Minister will be created to take the portfolio of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance that specifically takes care of economic affairs.

The Ministry of Knowledge Economy was changed to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources. Therefore, the commercial duty of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry will be transferred to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources.

Also, the function of small and medium business administration will be strengthened. Medium enterprise policy and specialized regional development functions will be also transferred.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security was changed to the Ministry of Security and Public Administration. The name was changed because the new government wants to emphasize the security function for all people of the country.

Also, the State Science & Technology Commission and Special Office of the Secretary were abolished. The original Nuclear Safety Commission will belong to the Future Creation Science Department

Chairman Kim Yong-joon said, “The new government structure is for the safety of the people and the economic revival of the nation in order to build an era of happiness, which shows President-elect Park Geun-hye’s philosophy in state affairs and will to act.”

Meanwhile, the National Government Reorganization Act needs to be approved by the parliament in order to proceed legislatively.

보티민트 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>