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Congressman Kim Jeong Hoon “Tuning world peace in Busan, Korea”(3)-UN평화대축전 부산4대축제

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By 김연화 기자, 2012-11-21 17:06 END1
#UN #peace #Busan #김정훈 #festival

국제평화기념사업회 이사장 김정훈 (정무위원장) 국회의원 인터뷰 ‘유엔(UN)평화대축전 열린 부산 남구에서 세계평화 조율해야’

[NSP TV]Congressman Kim Jeong Hoon “Tuning world peace in Busan, Korea”(3)-UN평화대축전 부산4대축제

[부산=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = The Republic of Korea, tentative truce with the North Korea since the Korea War, is only divided country in the world.

Overcoming the devastation of the war in Korea, South Korea was changed to provide aid.

Nam-Gu in Busan, UN peacekeeping the only special zone in the world, held on The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace with the slogan which is peace.


NSP news agency met the congressman Kim Jeong Hoon, World Peace Memorial Foundation Chairman, who had performed the biggest role in specifying the Nam-Gu in Busan, UN peacekeeping the only special zone in the world and reported The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace.

NSP통신-Congressman Kim Jeong Hoon who is World Peace Memorial Foundation Chairman. (Reporter Park Jae Hwan)
Congressman Kim Jeong Hoon who is World Peace Memorial Foundation Chairman. (Reporter Park Jae Hwan)

[Q.What kind of place is the Nam-Gu in Busan held on The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace]
[A. UN National Cemetery in Daeyeondong is officially approved only the use of the name,UN peacekeeping special zone in the world, by UN and designated by the Government of the Republic of Korea. In the future it does not re-approved the use of the name.]

[Q.What is the intention of The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace]
[A. United Nations Force Cemetery is located in UN peacekeeping special zone. As you know, the Korea War 2300 victims who engaged warfare in 1950 were enshirined. We have held the 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace so that we want to spread their noble spirit in the world. And we want for Busan to be central city for world peace.]

NSP통신-Delivering congratulation from congressman Kim Jeong Hoon in the opening ceremony of the 2nd Great Celebration of UN (Reporter Do Nam Seon)
Delivering congratulation from congressman Kim Jeong Hoon in the opening ceremony of the 2nd Great Celebration of UN (Reporter Do Nam Seon)

[Q.What is the difference from the 1st Great Celebration of UN Peace]
[A. World Peace Memorial Foundation had govern separately the 1st Great Celebration of UN Peace. This time World Peace Memorial Foundation and Busan festival organizing committee were unified govering body for special festival.]

[Q.Prospects of Great Celebration of UN Peace]
[A.South Korea is the center of the conflict in Northeast Asia. on the other hand UN peacekeeping special zone is located in Busan which tuning world peace.we think Busan will be grown the center perfoming key role.

It is noteworthy that close allies 2300 victims of South Korea buried in UN Memorial Park. And also memorial festival existed for them. Now we think that true peace need to settle conflicts among our great adversaries, North Korea and China etc, in the cold war. we'll need them soon so they can make harmony peace festival and true peace. if not right now, we hope to dissolved conflict and hatred at the time in Busan.]

NSP통신-Twinkling lights of UN Peace Mob which is remembrance performance of UN soldiers. (The Organizing Committee for Busan Culture&Tourism Festival)
Twinkling lights of “UN Peace Mob” which is remembrance performance of UN soldiers. (The Organizing Committee for Busan Culture&Tourism Festival)

Carving the letters of ‘peace’ in the chest we are reborn as a new generation for peace.

The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace.

UN peace Concert, the event of UN Peace Mob and overnight Experience of Hunger.

Now The Great Celebration of UN Peace makes a new leap one of the four festivals in Busan. And it was a very precious time that Busan has been growing into a center of world peace.

김연화 NSP통신 기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>