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HiteJinro, First Export of Beer TERRA

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2021-05-13 07:45 END7
#HiteJinro #TERRA #Export

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = HiteJinro started exporting TERRA for the first time to three countries, including the United States, Hong Kong, and Singapore, in the third year of its launch. The initial volume is 1.2 million bottles(330ml), which will be sold to those strategic countries with high awareness of Korean liquor and high export demands.

Through the export of TERRA, the company plans to target three strategic countries, arousing interest in Korean beer in the global liquor market, and satisfying consumer needs. It exports only limited supplies per year for stable domestic supply of TERRA.

HiteJinro will be the first to start selling beer in Hong Kong, a global beer brand battlefield, this month, and will sell locally in the U.S. and Singapore after the middle of next month. After supplying it to the Korean residents’ market, which has been highly demanded for release, the company plans to gradually expand its sales outlets such as Korean restaurants that locals frequently visit.


Head of HiteJinro’s Overseas Business Headquarters said, “As there has been continued demand for TERRA exports in the global market, we will target overseas consumers in three strategic countries. We will raise the status of Korean beer in the global market through Clean Lager TERRA.”

Meanwhile, Clean Lager TERRA has recorded the fastest sales speed ever since its launch, and has exceeded the cumulative sales of 1.65 billion bottles in just two years of launch.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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