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SKT and Samsung Electronics, Strengthening Smartphone Electronic Certificate Security with Blockchain Technology

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-08-23 20:16 END7
#SamsungElectronics #SKT #Blockchain #Initial #DID

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = SK Telecom announced that it has improved safety and convenience by linking Samsung Blockchain Keystore of Samsung Electronics with “Initial”, a blockchain-based mobile electronic verification service.

The linkage of Initial and Samsung Blockchain Keystore was promoted to provide more secure app-based DID services that store personal electronic signature information of individuals on the users’ terminal.

Initial DID Association, which includes the two companies, is in discussions with related industries to apply “Samsung Blockchain Keystore” to the financial services field, and areas of digital identification cards such as student ID cards, and employee ID cards.


Initial DID Association is a consortium-type blockchain network established in October last year, and 14 companies, including SK Telecom and Samsung Electronics, are currently participating to showcase various DID-based services.

It plans to commercialize 30 kinds of electronic certificate issuance services in the fields of finance, medical, public, and education within this year, as well as the original certificate verification services of major domestic financial institutions and large corporations.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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