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LG Electronics, decide to sell Beijing Twin Tower

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By YEON SUN HAN Journal, 2020-02-08 23:39 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = LG Electronics held a board meeting on the 7th and decided to sell Beijing Twin Tower in Beijing, China.

At the board of directors meeting, LG Electronics decided to sell its entire 49 percent shares of LG Holdings Hong Kong Ltd to RECO Changan Private Limited, which is 100% owned by Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.

LG Holdings Hong Kong owns 100% of the Beijing Tower corporation that owns and operates the Beijing Twin Tower. The price for sale of LG Electronics' 49% shares in LG Holdings Hong Kong amounts to 3.94 billion yuan (about 668.8 billion won).


LG Electronics plans to sign a stock-trading deal this month and complete the deal by the end of April.

NSP News Agency YEON SUN HAN Journalist
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