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BOK announced Residents Deposit in foreign currency increased by $1.3 billion reached $70.97 billion.

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By jeonghyun go Journal, 2019-09-18 18:42 END7
#BOK #Bank of Korea

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = According to the released book on 18th of Sep. by Bank of Korea, its residents deposit in foreign currency increased by $1.3 billion compared to the one from the end of last month.

The deposits for US dollar and Japanese Yen increased by $1.24 billion and $140 million respectively.

In case of dollar, the deposit of fund issuing overseas bond by companies and individual spot exchange have gone up, and investor deposit by stock firms and temporary payment fund by companies made it possible for Yen to enlarge.


It has increased by $60.55 billion in commercial banks, but it has decreased by $50 million in Korea Exchange banks.

The total amount of enterprises deposit is $55.89 billion increased by $770 million, and the one of individual deposit is $15.8 billion increased by $530 million.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist
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