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Hankook Tire strengthens 'North America Market' by supplying new car tires to Nissan Altima

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By YEON SUN HAN Journal, 2018-09-22 17:47 END7

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = Hankook Tire supplies high-performance tires KINERGY GT, a new generation of tires, equipped with state-of-the-art technology to 2019 Nissan Altima, the sixth generation of Nissan Altima's model.

Hankook Tire has come to strengthen the North American market by supplying new car tires to Nissan's new car, Altima, which occupies a high share in the Americas market.
KINERGY GT, supplied as a new car tires, is an ultra-high performance tire for all seasons that provides powerful driving performance and comfortable ride according to various driving conditions.

Especially, even on the wet road surface in the rainy season and freezing snow during the winter, it provides precise handling performance and low noise driving environment by exerting excellent ground gripping.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist,
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