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Nautilus Hyosung, real-time control of ATM management

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By dILFUZA Sultanova Jo, 2017-03-07 20:51 END7
#Nautilus Hyosung #ATM #USA #SOC

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Nautilus Hyosung has opened a new service center called 'Service Operation Center' (SOC) in order to integrate service quality in the US as the US ATM market has expanded.
SOC manages approximately 9,000 Nautilus Hyosung ATMs operating in 32 states in the United States through Large front LCD display.
The SOC detects real-time fault areas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and dispatches service personnel to the area to resolve the problem immediately.
Nautilus Hyosung is raising the reliability of its customers based on the SOC and plans to expand the service network to 40 out of 51 US states by the end of this year. Also this year, Nautilus Hyosung will expand products to convenience stores in USA.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist,
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