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Hana card implements the emotion analysis system

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By Jiye Kim Journalist, 2015-10-03 01:05 END7
#hana #emotion #voice #consultation

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = Hana card Co., Ltd. implements the emotion analysis system to examine the voice of customers (VOC).

The system instantly connects to a voice call, analyzes the voice and the emotional states of clients. According to the collected data, it categorizes the appropriate response for each individual, noticing if the additional care is required for the client. This is the outcome of enriched voice signal processing technology.

The introduction of the emotion analysis system enables the proactive care for potentially unhappy customers. Further expectations with this technique are ▲Figuring out the customers in need of additional care ▲Strengthening the management capacity to ensure a high standard of consultation ▲Dealing with customer complaints and the like.


Meanwhile, Hana card schemes to enhance the quality of consultation for customers. The company will systemize its counselling system from a counselor education program to a tailored response manual for minorities.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist,
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