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Nunevit orthalmology(누네빛안과), developing the new area of medicaltourism at busan korea

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By 강혜진 인턴기자, 2012-06-22 17:55 END1
#누네빛안과 #Nunevit #medicaltourism #korea #orthalmology

Nu-ne-vit is offering a free medical examination to foreigners, and it seems like Nu-ne-vit will contribute to a great progress on medical tourism business.

[부산=NSP통신] 강혜진 인턴기자 = Recently, medical tourism is becoming a new business in Busan. I focuses only on certain areas such as cosmetic surgery and dermatology. However, there is criticism, too, far to much for it to be a real industry.

While people are taking notice of the diversification in these fields, one of the newly opened extra-large scale ophthalmology in Busan is attracting peoeple's interest.

As part of the new medical tourism business, Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology will give a free medical examination to foreigners.


Nu-ne-vit is giving this offer to tourists and foreigners living in Korea, starting on 27th of this month. Of Nu-ne-vit is located on the 14th floor of a hotel, with a scale of 2000m₂.

Nu-ne-vit has the advantage of a more comfortable visit because Nu-ne-vit is decorated as a medical resort.

It has all the latest equipments for safety and accuracy, and they do their best for developing better ophthalmology surgery; such as examination of DNA before an operation.

Tourists from China, Japan, Russia were pleased with the high quality service and facilities.
Now Nu-ne-vit is able to closely examine the cornea, take its measurements, and to test whether an eyeball is dry or not.

[international customer of Nu-ne-vit, Yahnah (from Russia) :
I have been in Korea for 6years. I came here today for the free medical test. I have never been to an ophthalmologist in Russia. Here I feel my eyes getting better, because the service and the administration of medicine is really good. All the doctors are very kind.]

[international customer of Nu-ne-vit, Mayumi (from Japan) :
I am from Japan. Because my eyes are so bad, I came here to have them checked my eyes. Well-facilities and kind service make me happy.]

NSP통신-Director of Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology, Kyu-won Ryu is performing a procedure.
Director of Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology, Kyu-won Ryu is performing a procedure.

Until now thousands of foreigners visited cosmetic surgery and dermatology at Seomyeon medical street in Busan, But few visited ophthalmologist because of poor promotion.

However , in the case of Lasik Surgery, it only takes 15minutes and patients do their daily routine on the next day. So it is considered a suitable area for medical tourism and can compete with other locations.

[Director of Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology, Gyu-won Ryu :
Now with the development of equipment for corrective surgery, rapid regaining one’s eyesight is possible. There’s little swelling and no need of therapeutic treatment. It is common for foreigners to spend just one day in surgery and then get back to everyday life. I think this is more suitable for medical tourism, rather than other medical areas.]

It’s been 18years since Lasik was introduced. Now it is so common that 40,000 people get this surgery a year.
With increasing foreign medical tourism and how this surgery produces little to no aftereffects, we expect a huge growth in medical tourism.

[Director of Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology, Gyu-won Ryu :
According to 2010 customers for medical tourism is up to 40,000. 5~10% of them visited Busan. Still it is a small percentage. Busan area had high percentage of ophthalmology in medical tourism. Though most medical tourism focuses in Seoul. Seoul's facilities are limited in cosmetic surgery and dermatology.

Without the traditional hospital usage, we have prepared a whole floor in the hotel for overseas customers’ pleasant visiting and convenient medical tour. We prepared new technical equipment and the best service, so we can proudly introduce our service and welcome our customers. ]

In Busan, 3,000 people got Lasik surgery this month and visitors from China , Japan and Russia are increasing steadily. I expect Nu-ne-vit ophthalmology will open new market for medical tourism with an estimate that they are very suitable for medical tourism business, with the most advanced technology and brief surgery time.

reporter : kang Hae Jin
Narration reporter : Joe Ann Na

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강혜진 NSP통신 인턴기자,
<저작권자ⓒ 국내유일의 경제중심 종합뉴스통신사 NSP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>