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LG Electronics, Supporting 211 cases of Technical Data Deposit Last Year… The Largest Among Large Domestic Companies

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2020-08-20 20:43 END7
#LGElectronics #technicaldeposit #Partners #211cases

(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = LG Electronics supported 211 cases of technical data deposit for its partners last year, which is the largest among large domestic companies.

Technical data deposit is a system that reduces the risk of technology leakage by storing the core technologies of its partners at the foundation for large, small and medium enterprises, and agricultural and fishery cooperation.

Since 2013, LG Electronics has been providing full support for the expenses necessary for its partners to deposit their technologies to protect their business secrets and core technologies. Until last year, it has supported a total of 1,088 cases of technical data deposits, and plans to support more than 200 cases of technical data deposits this year.


In the case of major parts and construction methods jointly developed with its partners, LG Electronics is conducting technical deposits with the consent of its partners, and even if its partners request technical deposits, it supports all of them.

“By supporting the deposits of technical data of our partners, we have a virtuous cycle of strong trust with our partners and growing together,” said the head of LG Electronics’ purchasing and management center, “We will spare no effort to help our partners focus on management with confidence.”

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist
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