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SK Telecom, Commercialization of ‘AI Acceleration Solution’

NSP NEWS AGENCY, By soon ki Lee Journali, 2018-06-21 13:24 END7
#SK Telecom #AI service #NUGU #Acceleration

(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK Telecom developed ‘AI Acceleration Solution(AIX, AI Inference Accelerator)’ which speeds up AI service processing, and applied it to its AI service ‘NUGU(Who)’.

By applying the solution, ‘NUGU’, AI service of SK Telecom is expected to increase service capacity by 5 times compared to existing one.

AI acceleration solution of SK Telecom is mounted to a palm-sized small card-shaped accelerator.


If it is mounted to the existing AI server in the data center, the operation speed of deep learning will get fast by 20 times.

AI service is expanded to all fields life, such banking · security · shopping · internet search as well as increase in AI users.

Therefore, SK Telecom is going to develop ‘next generation AI acceleration solution’ which can improve AI operation speed and power efficiency.

Park Jin Hyo, a director of ICT Technology Institute, SK Telecom, said that the company acquired AI technical competitiveness of Global top level by developing AI acceleration solution which improves service performance and enables operation fee to be cut down and that it would provide a high quality service to customers by applying the solution to a variety of AI application service which will be expanded in the future, starting with ‘NUGU’, AI service.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist,
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